To create a job posting, you need to first sign up as a company. After signing up, you will receive an account activation e-mail and will be able to log in and create postings.
Reffer to Services and Pricing
After submitting the posting for approval, our team will approve or reject it within 1 business day. Approved postings will be published on the site immediately.
Postings remain active on the site for 30 days after they have been approved.
You can create postings in either Armenian or English.
Refer to Guidelines
You cannot edit a job posting after it has been approved and posted. For changes to your posting, contact us
To create a resume/profile, you need to sign up as a candidate. After signing up, you will receive an account activation e-mail. Once your account is active, you will be able to log in and create your resume/profile by clicking on the Profile link on the top right corner of the page.
To edit your Resume, log in to your account, go to Profile section and click on Edit My Resume link. Do not forget to save changes by clicking on Save button.
Your resume will be visible to the registered employers.
Log in to your account, go to the settings and hit Delete button under Delete account section.